Friday, December 7, 2007

Week of December 2nd, 2007

First week of, one more month to go, crazyness.

First grandparents left on Sunday, and we had church, which was tonss of fun. :)

This week was pretty exciting, but also really crazy cause I was finishing up school. I took two finals, and that was uhh...not cool, but ok I guess. Otherwise...I was pushing to do the rest of the stuff that I hadn't done, and it was all really stupidd...

On Wednesday, we went to go see Wicked!!! It was a really amazing performance, and...everything about it was awesome. As we walked into the Chicago Oriental, it was snowing, and the lights were dim, and I really loved it.

On the L-train back, we rode in the Santa was SOO awesome!!! There were elf ladies, and decorations for Christmas, and there was SANTA (i know him!!!!) and we got candy canes!!! It was amazing!!!

That night we went to hang out with friends, and we had really yummy pizza :)

On Friday night we went SLEDDING!!! Ooh, it was soo cold, but I WAY loved it!!!

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